Are Melamine Foam Magic Sponges Reusable

Enworld melamine foam cleaner are highly effective on many surfaces including walls,blinds, ceiling vents, baseboards, bathtubs, and many other places in the home. Those products is a miracle worker for crayon and marker colored onto walls. Enworld melamine foam squares should always be tested in a hidden area before widespread use. Dirt, stains, and soap scum that would have taken scrubbing and or repainting disappeared in just a few wipes of the eraser during our tests.

Enworld melamine foam for cleaning are actually made of melamine foam, which has been used for decades as an insulation and soundproofing material. About 10 years ago, some smarty-pants discovered that melamine foam was also an effective abrasive cleaner! Nevertheless,it works because when melamine resin cures into foam, its microstructure becomes almost as hard as glass — causing it to act like a SUPER-fine sandpaper on stains. In addition, the abrasive foam loosens up dirt and grime, and the open microstructure of the melamine foam sucks it in and traps it there. Neat, right?

Melamine foam magic sponges are reusable, because high-density melamine foam can be used for a week or more, when you put them in normal uses.

Enworld melamine foam cleaning works magic on tough dirt like crayon and marker. Adding water activates the surface of tiny filaments in the sponge making them ready to wipe away grime. The melamine foam bulk is reusable for several uses although it does begin to break down and disintegrate with repeated uses.

However, some people may think that the eraser works by scrubbing at the surface with tiny but extremely hard threads, you should not use on highly glossy or satin finishes. is not appropriate for paneling or wood finished surfaces. It will strip away the surface and create damage. Or you may think the open cell Magic Sponge Eraser Melamine Cleaner does begin to break down after uses.

Melamine Foam Product Description

Wet the Magic Melamine Sponge with water. Water activates the fibers and allows dirt to be pulled away from the surface and into the channels of the sponge. Test the product in a hidden spot. Because the magic eraser is highly abrasive, it can damage the surface of some places in your home. And that Be safe and test it out in a hidden area first. Then, gently rub the eraser on the surface. Probably, the nice thing is that it doesn't take a lot of scrubbing to really get to the dirt. Watch the dirt begin to fade away. At last, throw away after several uses or when these products begins to disintegrate.

Alternative Uses:

Grass Stains on shoes- use a melamine foam bulk to gently wipe away grass stains on the soles of your shoes. Test on the bottom to make sure there isn't any damage, first. This is especially effective on shoes with white soles. Remove stickers- I can usually get a sticker off of jars and plastic, but sometimes the residue can be a huge pain to try to remove. Use amelamine foam cleaner to gently scrub away the gunky buildup on plastic and glass.

If there is a spaghetti sauce or grease ring stain in a plastic bowl, it can be difficult to remove. You may have success scrubbing the ring with a melamine foam block for cleaning. And that , the tiny fibers are able to reach into small places and pull out the orange residue.

Melamine Cleaning Sponge can do a great job of cleaning up nail polish messes, just be sure to test the Melamine Foam Magic Earser in a hidden area to make sure you don't damage the surface you are trying to clean.