How Melamine Foam Cleaner Tips To Make Dirt Disappear
What Are Magic Erasers, And How Do They Work?
Melamine Foam Cleaner are actually made of melamine foam, which has been used for decades as an insulation and soundproofing material. About 10 years ago, some smarty-pants discovered that melamine foam was also an effective abrasive cleaner! It works because when melamine resin cures into foam, its microstructure becomes almost as hard as glass — causing it to act like a SUPER-fine sandpaper on stains. Moreover,the abrasive foam loosens up dirt and grime, and the open microstructure of the foam sucks it in and traps it there. Neat, right?
The only drawback I’ve found with regards to these erasers is that much like pencil erasers,melamine foam bulk will break down and fall apart as they are used. Nonetheless, I’ve found that a small piece of melamine foam bulk works just as well as a larger piece, so you end up getting a lot more use out of each eraser if you cut it up into smaller pieces.
That one little tip will extend the life of each eraser dramatically, and keep costs low for you. Another way to keep costs reasonable is to buy Enworld melamine foam erasers in bulk! We buy them in packs of 20 to keep at our studio. They cost about $0.20 less per eraser than the name brand ones, and work just as well, in our opinion!
Are Melamine Foam Cleaner Safe?
Now, if you’re worried about the safety of melamine foam
Here are a few facts to help put you at ease.
The ingredients in melamine foam for cleaning have been safely and commonly used for many years in a wide range of household products and are considered non-toxic.
No ingredients are subject to any health-related labeling laws in North America or in Europe.
Formaldehyde is not and never has been an ingredient in melamine foam bulk. One ingredient in melamine foam bulk for cleaning (formaldehyde-melamine-sodium bisulfite copolymer) contains the word “formaldehyde” in its chemical name. However, this ingredient is not formaldehyde and poses no health or safety risks.
How To Use Magic Erasers
Now that we’ve covered all the how’s and why’s and what to’s and wherefore’s, let’s get to the good stuff! Here is a list of just some of the “magic” that can be performed with these cleaning erasers.
First off, my very favorite way to use melamine foam for cleaning is to remove scuff marks on my walls and baseboards. Every once in a while I tackle all my baseboards, and every time they end up looking practically brand new!
Second, melamine foam cleaner scrubbers also clean car seats, glass, tiles and ceramics.